Traditional security leaders typically only provide the overall strategic plan and guidelines for an organization. In reality, to successfully execute the strategic plan more than guidance is needed. A strong security plan needs to be understood, implemented, carefully executed, and adjusted when needed. A vCISO (virtual CISO) that embodies both of these aspects, direction and action, is an excellent option for organizations that need to minimize their headcount and costs, while meeting security goals.
If your customers are asking about your security measures and to schedule a call with your security team, but you do not have one...
If your company, whether listed or private, is required under applicable laws to appoint a CISO or equivalent, to have an incident response process in place, to carry out recurring security assessments including for third party vendors, and to execute pen testing or to assess for potential vulnerabilities...
If your company operates within the healthcare industry, financial services or in the telecommunications sector and must comply with sector-specific federal and states laws...
If your current CSO’s responsibilities include security planning on top of many other duties,
If your and your customers’s security is a priority, then…
choosing vCISO services may be an excellent solution. A vCISO opens the door and gives your company immediate access to dedicated experts focused solely on your security goals.
vCISO Services
Immauss Cybersecurity vCISOs work on the full spectrum of cybersecurity duties, including but not limited to:
- Comprehensive strategy and planning
- Threat analysis and prevention
- Oversight of all security teams
- Discovery, prioritization, remediation and analysis of threats
- Validation of websites, services, policies, payment infrastructure, data warehousing
- Cybersecurity education
vCISO Plans
vCISO Light: For small businesses with low but steady vCISO service requirements, including assistance with customer and partner self-assessments, information security policy design and management, annual security training and risk assessment.
vCISO Intermediate: For small and midsize businesses requiring more complex vCISO services. Includes all the features of vCISO Light plus an annual audit, compliance with regulations and standards; annual IT security assessment.
vCISO Standard: For midsized complex businesses with over 300 employees that require the features of a vCISO Intermediate level but at a greater volume. Includes an annual information security risk assessment.
vCISO Advanced: For midsized businesses requiring vCISO services not specified above, we can design a personalized plan that fits your company’s needs. Just ask.
Additional vCISO services
Information Security Program / Policy Creation and Implementation
A security policy is the core of an organization’s information security program. A company security policy is necessary to set guidelines for all employees. A clear policy outlines expectations and clarifies what could happen if policies are not followed. Security policies and procedures also define employee cybersecurity responsibilities and remove any questions or doubts about who should have access to what information.
Your Immauss Cybersecurity vCISO can design custom security policies and procedures tailored to your company's needs and culture.
Compliance with Sector Specific Laws and Regulations
If you work in the healthcare industry, you've heard of HIPAA, the government’s regulations that require you to ensure the privacy and security of your patients' personal and health information. One HIPAA requirement is regular security audits. Did you know that the government could show up to audit your site and levy fines to your business if you don't meet their standards?
If your company operates within the healthcare industry, financial services, the telecommunications sector or other field and must comply with sector-specific cybersecurity laws and regulations, we can help. Whether PCI, DISA STIG, NIST, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA or another regulation or standard, our vCISOs can ensure your organization achieves information security compliance.
Information Security Risk Assessment
Risks must be identified, assessed and prioritized. This will help efficiently apply resources for mitigation. A Security Risk Assessment is a tool for managing and communicating risks to executive management and a company’s Board of Directors. Without a solid Risk Assessment, executives will not have a clear understanding of the information security risks they are ultimately responsible for and staff have no direction on the risks to address. A vCISO will create and manage a complete and sustainable risk assessment process.
GDPR/CCPA Readiness Assessment
If you have customer data of European Union Citizens, then you are probably concerned about how the General Data Protection Regulation could affect you. A vCISO can analyze your information flows and provide an assessment of your organization to ensure compliance with the GDPR as well as the new California Customer Protection Act (CCPA).
IT Security Assessments
Does your firewall ruleset make sense? Are you taking full advantage of the security tools you already have in place? Our experienced vCISOs provide an independent review of software and hardware configurations to verify IT controls or recommend changes, all while not impeding business operations. Why do you need an independent review?
Network Vulnerability Assessments and Web Application Scans
Testing is the first step. Knowing what to prioritize in remediation and what compensating controls may work better than rectifying the primary control gap can save time and cost and add efficiency while increasing your security posture.
Disaster Recovery /Business Continuity
Sometimes, bad things happen. Systems fail. Operators fail. Your business needs to survive unintended events. Let one of our vCISOs work with you to create an effective disaster recovery plan and conduct exercises to ensure continuity of operations, whatever the cause for the interruption.
The most likely avenue for a hacker to use to gain access to your network is NOT the most recently exposed bug, but the oldest one, your people. We can provide online and onsite training to ensure your staff does not fall victim to a social engineering attack. Our vCISOs provide and manage online training to further your organization's information security awareness, reducing the risk of an information security incident caused by human error.
Penetration Testing
A highly skilled penetration tester will attempt to discover and exploit vulnerabilities and a vCISO will work with your team to understand and address gaps.
Data Mapping and Warehousing
Where is your data? How is it protected? A data mapping exercise led by a vCISO skilled in privacy concerns will answer these questions and reveal gaps in controls - and is required for GDPR.