It has been said that with technology advancing at such an incredible rate, if there is a day you don’t learn something new, you are going backwards. So how do you keep up with what is current? There are plenty of social media sites where you can see news your friends and colleagues find interesting or important or you could try an RSS reader. But here’s what I use: Flipboard. It’s an intuitive smart phone/tablet app which has recently added a web interface so you can access your account from your PC as well. It allows you to add different content channels which may include specific sites, or keywords to search other streams. But to me, the best part is the “Cover Stories” section. This section pulls the most recent and popular articles from all of you configured channels and lets you flip through them in one stream. You can also create your own “Magazine” that you can “flip” articles into for later viewing or sharing. If you are interested in Information Security, you could start by following my “Security Hot Topics” Magazine here. Everyday, I read through my Flipboard Cover Stories and flip stories releated to Computer Security into this maginze so others can have a single place to find the "Hot Topics". So how do you keep up with the latest trends? Leave some comments below and let me know.
( I have no affiliation with Flipboard. I just really like it and wanted to share.)
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